Sculptures by Henry Liska:
The Music of Driftwood

"Sea Art" of Costa Rica

      "Made by nature                   
                    discovered by man"

Pieces of dead wood that have been submerged in salt water for hundreds or even thousands of years come to life in Henry Liska's original and "disarmingly beautiful" work.

Liska's Sculptures
(click on each picture for the full-sized image and details)

"Dead Wood Comes to Life in Liska's Sculptures"

    "Sus obras se salen de lo corriente, porque ha sabido ver donde otros han ignorado al arte, figuras que la Naturaleza quiso heredarnos y que solo Henry Liska, con un minucioso trabajo, pudo descubrir"

      - Emilia Mora Gamboa para La Prensa Libre

    "Liska has both the eye and the dextrity to see and realize an artistic potential in natural wood forms, far beyond the merely ornamental. The "pieces" which result from the application of his adroit talents rest most comfortably with the appellation"sculpture"

      - Bill Skuce for the Tico Times- May 1, 1992

"Su actividad promueve el arte ecológico, pues él visita las diferentes playas costarricenses en busca de las mejores maderas, cuyas caprichosas formas respeta y les da durabilidad, brillo y textura especial"

    - Sandra González para LaPrensa Libre

    Although Liska's vision perceives forms and aspects peculiar to his own esthetic, he does not name the pieces, believing that a title would interfere with the process of viewers identifying forms and feelings agreeable with their own needs and expectations.

"Además de buscar la expresión artística por medio de la escultura, Henry Liska pretende estimular la preservación de los bosques y de la naturaleza en general"

      - Lucía Cortés Cantillo para La República, 26 de enero de 1995

"Sensible, curioso, guiado por la búsqueda de la naturaleza, sabe descubrir los vestigios de fragmentos de madera abandonados, que la acción del agua, de la lluvia, de las intemperias y del tiempo han moldeado, torneado, transformado"

More of Liska's Work>>

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